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Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday skit to cheer me up

Instead of posting another sad poem today, I have a skit. Yeah ok.

[Duke, Brock, Finny, Dawn, Twinkle, and Sparkle are walking to the big mansion house after their day at school.]

Duke: *sighs and replies to Brock* For the last time, yes. Several times.
Brock: *stares at Duke even though only he can only see Duke's back* Then how are you even alive?
Duke: *with emotionless voice?* I don't know.
Brock: But with what happened, then surely those options couldn't have failed?
Duke: They all failed.
Brock: How many times did you.. umm.. try?
Finny: *looks at Brock and coughs* Stop asking him so many invasive questions. Duke is already having a bad day without you wanting to know the details about that time of his life.
Duke: I don't need you to help me, Finny.
Finny: You needed me back then, but you never told me that everything wasn't alright. No, I'm gonna be there for you this time.
Duke: *sighs* Fine.
Sparkle: *laughs* Bad day? You're the one having a bad day? Are you kidding me?!
Duke: Yeah, I feel horrible. Thanks for your concern.
Sparkle: You got a freaking A on that test! Do you know how hard it is to get A's in that class? It's very hard to!
Dawn: *catches up with them, Twinkle right behind her* Duke got an A? On a school assignment?
Sparkle: Yeah, on a test.
Twinkle: *snickers* What class was this? Gym?
Sparkle: Precalc.
Twinkle: *suddenly bursts out laughing* Precalc?! Isn't that a math?
Sparkle: Uh yeah.
Twinkle: You guys take math?! Geez, you really are nerds. Especially you, Duke. 
Duke: *turns around to face them all* I'm not a nerd!
Brock: Face it, drunkie. You are a nerd.
Twinkle: *whispers* He is a nerd.
Dawn: Did you cheat from Finny?
Duke: We don't even share the same class, so no.
Dawn: That doesn't mean Finny couldn't have given you the answers.
Finny: I actually didn't. Maybe Ryen did.
Duke: Ryen didn't give me any help either! 
Twinkle: Duke, it's just that.. well.. none of us expected you to be successful at academics.
Duke: *stares blankly at Twinkle* Are you serious?
Twinkle: What?
Duke: Ninth grade. I helped you with your algebra homework more than just a few times.
Twinkle: When did this happen?
Duke: I helped you. How could you forget all we've been through?
Twinkle: *shrugs* It's not you. I never remember math.
Duke: Uh.. okay. 

[Ten minutes later, they all enter the mansion house. At the door is Fierdan wearing his lavender colored robe over his clothes. He's holding up a tray of cookies. Uh.. how strange.]

Sparkle: Am I high on drugs today?
Twinkle: I feel intoxicated.
Finny: This can't be real. *rubs eyes, blinks, realizes Fierdan is still there looking like that*
Duke: *slowly drops backpack to the floor* Uh.. do you guys see this too?
Dawn: Yep.

[Fierdan is smiling. What is going on?!?!?!?]

Fierdan: Hello children, how was school?
Brock: It was --
Fierdan: *interrupts Brock, stares at Duke* Hello, my son!
Finny: *looks at Twinkle and Dawn with a "what-the-heck-is-going-on face"*
Dawn: *shrugs*
Twinkle: I'll do the honors. *goes up to Duke and pinches an area of Duke's arm*
Duke: *the loudest he's been all skit* Ow!
Twinkle: *realizes this isn't Duke's dream* Oh.

[Every character except Fierdan and Duke start pinching themselves. This has to be a weird dream, right? Why is Fierdan positive? So many questions.]

Fierdan: I have cookies. 
Dawn: Well, I'm glad to see you finally feeling happy.
Fierdan: Thank you, Dawn!
Dawn: *looks at Fierdan in total confusion* Okay, something's up. Where is Ryen?
Fierdan: In the living room.
Dawn: *leaves to find Ryen*

[Six minutes later, Dawn comes back with Ryen. At the same time, two other characters enter the room. One is Ardere, but who is the other one?]

Ryen: I didn't drug Fierdan.
Brock: Are you sure?
Ryen: Yes. In fact, I am.
Duke: Oh, I think I know why he's so happy.
Twinkle: What?
Ardere: I found her and told her to join us in skits.
Sparkle: So that's why you weren't in the recent skits? Because you were looking for her?
Ardere: Yeah.

[A girl steps to the side of Ardere and steps forward. She takes a deep breath and fixes her hair so it no longer covers her face. Her pale blue eyes gaze at each person. Her light blonde hair looks like it's messy while still looking beautiful.]

Twinkle: *kicks her backpack away* So you finally decided to come back.
Girl: *trembles and smiles* Y-Yes.
Duke: How does this explain why Fierdan is so happy?
Dawn: *her voice sounds horrified but happy* It's not just her. 
Finny: There's another person behind Ardere?
Dawn: Not behind. In front of.
Finny: Huh?

[Twinkle runs over to the girl and hugs her tightly.]

Twinkle: I missed you so much.
Girl: I missed you too, sis. 
Twinkle: Who helped you find us?
Girl: *points to what looks like nothing* She helped me before Ardere could.
Twinkle: What are you pointing to, Fauna?

[That empty space suddenly turns into a person. A very young girl, that is.]

Mystery Girl: You can thank me.
Dawn: *mystified* Who exactly are you?
Mystery Girl: I don't feel comfortable revealing my entire name yet, so you can just call me A.
Duke: You're the A?!
Fierdan: Yes.
Duke: Who are you?! 
Mystery Girl: I'm A. 
Fierdan: *suddenly kneels and bows to the girl who calls herself, A* 
Finny: What is going on?!
Fierdan: *gets up* Showing my respects.
Duke: What?
Ryen: *clearly doesn't understand Fierdan* Be respectful. 
Duke: Hey so when are you going to explain everything to us, Fierdan?
Fierdan: What is there to explain? 
Duke: Uh.. everything?
Brock: Didn't Fierdan kill this weirdo?
Mystery Girl: Weirdo? 
Brock: Yeah, didn't he kill you?
Fierdan: *frowns at Brock*
Duke: I think Brock could be right for once. 
Twinkle: What the heck is this?
Fauna: She helped me discover the true definition of heaven. Well, in the story universe that is. 

[Fierdan takes a few steps away from everyone and picks up the tray of cookies.]

Fierdan: Anyone want a cookie?
Brock: I'll have one.
Fierdan: *pauses, looks at Brock* Not you.
Brock: Oh darn.


Ah yes. Confusion. 

I confused myself. What does this skit even say? I don't get it.

Well.. to heck with it! 

Don't be fooled by this skit post. I'm still doing miserably.

(oh worm XD)

~ Cutepups 

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